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The Merry Messy Moms Show

Jan 21, 2021

We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!

Today is the LAST DAY of our 21-day challenge! If you stayed with me these last 3 weeks, give yourself a proper champagne toast! If you've implemented even some of these steps and habits, you've been able to...

Jan 20, 2021

We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!

Today we are going to take 15 minutes during our busy days to give back to ourselves, to fill our cups as moms! We are also going to add in another step towards this goal so that taking care of yourself...

Jan 19, 2021

We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!

Today we are going to start one baby step towards meal planning. A few days ago, we started an afternoon routine where we start cooking dinner. So today, earlier in the afternoon, perhaps after eating lunch,...

Jan 18, 2021

We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!

Today you're going to start the habit of swishing out the main toilets in your home - the ones that get used the most! I give you tips for how to make doing this habit easy as well. The result of this habit...

Jan 17, 2021

We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!

Today we are going to be starting an afternoon routine. Having an afternoon routine for me has helped me to be able to get dinner ready in time and without stress, and be able to help my kids be ready for...